Studi Pengaruh Penambahan Bahan Additive TX-300 Terhadap Kuat Tekan Batu Bata Pasca Pembakaran

Alhadi Pratama Bintang, Setyanto Setyanto, Idharmahadi Adha


Along with the rise of civil construction such as housing or settlements, also increase the demand
for bricks. To be able to meet the needs of these bricks, brick production must be increased. Not
only an increase in production should be done, but the increase in terms of quantity and in terms
of quality also needs to be done. One way to do is to add an additional mixture to the composition
of the brickyard
In this study used clay and additional materials TX-300 which has a variety of levels of 0.6 ml, 0.9
ml, 1.2 ml and 1.5 ml with the purpose to improving the quality of the bricks, as well as comparing
strong press bricks by modifying the combustion time. Soil samples tested in this study is clay
which derived from Nyunyai street, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung. Variations of burning time is used
for one day, two days and three days.
After doing research, from the fourth level, the compressive strength maximum average post-
combustion bricks are at a level of 1.5 ml with a burning for two days. The compressive strength
value of 46.01 kg / cm2. This is due to the greater levels of TX-300, the greater the compressive
strength value, besides the most optimum burning time is for 2 days, this was due to the
evaporation of water contained in the most optimum bricks are burning for two days.
Keywords: Bricks, Clay, TX-300, Compressive Strenght

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Department of Civil Engineering

Engineering Faculty

University of Lampung


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P-ISSN: 2303-0011 (Print); E-ISSN: 2715-0690 (Online)