JRSDD (Journal Rekayasa Sipil Dan Desain) P-ISSN: 2303-0011 (Print); E-ISSN: 2715-0690 (Online) - is a journal managed by the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung and published by the University of Lampung. JRSDD is published periodically (4 times a year) in March, June, September and December.
JRSDD is free (open access) for all readers. The articles in JRSDD cover developments and research in the field of Civil Engineering (theoretical studies, experiments, and their application). For more details on Focus and Scope.
JRSDD also carries a section on Comments and Critics, which provides a forum to express various points of view, comments, clarifications, and corrections to misunderstandings about topics in published papers. Journal readers are sincerely invited to contribute their ideas to this forum. Contributions to the Comments and Critics section should be relatively brief, usually 8 to twelve pages of manuscripts, one column, written in Indonesian and English, and will be published as soon as possible.
JRSDD is free (open access) for all readers. The articles in JRSDD cover developments and research in the field of Civil Engineering (theoretical studies, experiments, and their application). For more details on Focus and Scope.
JRSDD also carries a section on Comments and Critics, which provides a forum to express various points of view, comments, clarifications, and corrections to misunderstandings about topics in published papers. Journal readers are sincerely invited to contribute their ideas to this forum. Contributions to the Comments and Critics section should be relatively brief, usually 8 to twelve pages of manuscripts, one column, written in Indonesian and English, and will be published as soon as possible.
Vol 12, No 1 (2024): Edisi Maret 2024
Table of Contents
Makalah Ilmiah Edisi Maret 2024
Sabrina Cintia Prameswari, Hasti Riakara Husni, Bayzoni Bayzoni, Ashruri Ashruri
Hal. 01 - 12
Hadi Hidayatullah, Laksmi Irianti, Masdar Helmi, Ratna Widyawati
Hal. 13 - 26
Ragat Aji Mustofa, Bayzoni Bayzoni, Hasti Riakara Husni, Mohd Isneini
Hal. 27 - 38
Aji Saputra, Chatarina Niken, Dyah Indriana Kusumastuti, Ahmad Zakaria
Hal. 38 - 52
Yolanda Septiani Talitha, Sasana Putra, Dwi Herianto, Rahayu Sulistyorini
Hal. 53 - 64
Muh Alieftama Dytam Bastari, Hasti Riakara Husni, Bayzoni Bayzoni, Ashruri Ashruri
Hal. 65 - 76
M Fariq Khadafi, Ahmad Herison, Yuda Romdania, Siti Nurul Khotimah
Hal. 77 - 88
Siti Usnul Khotimah, Hasti Riakara Husni, Bayzoni Bayzoni, Ashruri Ashruri
Hal. 89 - 104
Millennia Yessy Desviolla, Sasana Putra, Siti Anugrah Mulya Putri Ofrial, Rahayu Sulistyorini
Hal. 105 - 112
Nanang Aldika Chandra, Hasti Riakara Husni, Bayzoni Bayzoni, Ashruri Ashruri
Hal. 113 - 124