Studi Kuat Tekan Batu Bata Menggunakan Bahan Additive (Abu Sekam Padi, Abu Ampas Tebu dan Fly Ash) Berdasarkan Spesifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)

Abdurrohmansyah Abdurrohmansyah, Idharmahadi Adha, Hadi Ali


Brick is one of construction materials of building, shopping complex, real estate etc. Brick is made
from the mixing of soil and water. In this study, the process of brick production will be tired by mix
the soil with additive materials such as rice husk ash, baggase ash and fly ash. It’s to know how
big the advantage of those additive materials and to compare the compressive strength between
conventional brick and the brick that have mixed with rice husk ash, baggase ash and fly ash to
get Indonesian National Standard for the strong and durable brick.
Clay was used as the soil sample in this study. The clay is from Yoso Mulyo Village, Metro. The
additive materials such as, rice husk ash is from Yoso Mulyo Village Metro, baggase ash is from
PT Indo Lampung Perkasa and the fly ash is from PLTU Tarahan.
The result of this study show that the production of brick after burned using additive materials
such as rice husk ash, baggase ash and fly ash, increase the compressive strength value. So, the
strength of the brick is good enough fulfilled the standard of Indonesian National Standard
Keywords: Brick, additive fly ash and rice husk ash, baggase ash, compressive strength

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Department of Civil Engineering

Engineering Faculty

University of Lampung


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P-ISSN: 2303-0011 (Print); E-ISSN: 2715-0690 (Online)